on January 16th, 2016 | Buying Guides, Ideas and Inspirations
It takes a special of kind of bride to go all DIY for her wedding day. Nonetheless, many brides these days do incorporate some “do it yourself” elements in the ceremony or reception. Certainly when it comes to sheva brachos parties, relatives, friends of the kallah can get quite creative. If you’re planning any sort of party in the near future, Zuililly is having a Garden Wedding Shop FLASH Sale with all sorts of accouterments, accessories, and decor elements. From candles, to favor packaging, to unique paper goods, to silk flowers, to paper lanterns – there are tons of useful goodies there at up to 50% discount.

Rustic & Lace Craft Favor Box – Set of 24

Moss Pot Set

Vintage Party Fans – $11.99

Whitewash frame – set of 4 – $9.49

10” White Paper Lantern – Set of Six – $9.99

Blue Truly Scrumptious Spiral Cake Stand

Truly Scrumptious Plates – Set of 24 – $11.99

Silver Shimmer ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ Chair Signs

White-Framed Freestanding Chalkboard – $34.99
on January 10th, 2016 | Ideas and Inspirations, Interesting
The provider of gorgeous wedding inspiration that is the blog that calls itself – the Wedding Chicks, put out their top ten modest wedding gowns. Of course, their version of modest is probably different from most readers of this blog, nevertheless, it’s nice to know that modest gowns is on the radar of blogs like this one.

This gown is by Illume Gowns which specializes in modest wedding gowns.
They also should have included gowns from Chana Marelus – an Israeli designer whose dresses are redefining Tznius bridal and evening wear.
on December 21st, 2015 | Ideas and Inspirations, Real Wedding Stories
We’re glad to share with you a recent wedding from London via Blake Ezra Photography – London based photographers – whose black and white photos are simply breathtaking.

We enjoy providing some apt words to accompany our images when it comes to sharing the events we are privileged to photograph. However, in this instance it’s practically impossible to describe the feelings, the energy, and the immense spirit of this wedding in words. Indeed, we can only hope our images come close! Kinloss in north […]

Images from Anna and James
© Blake Ezra Photography 2015
See the rest of the beautiful gallery here:
on December 18th, 2015 | Customs & Traditions, Ideas and Inspirations
There are many uniquely Jewish elements to a Jewish wedding, but the chuppah is the quintessential part of a Jewish wedding ceremony. Four poles and a tallis is all you need for a kosher chuppah, and many even prefer that simple old world flavor of this the very plain of chuppahs. However, happy was the moment when flowers met the chuppah canopy. Creativity knows no bounds when it comes to stylizing this symbolic house of the chassan and kallah.

on July 30th, 2012 | Ideas and Inspirations
We stumbled upon this charming wedding dress while perusing the beautiful photography of This Modern Romance and we thought we would repost it here for you.

This dress is made by Vue Designs of Grand Rapids, MI and is available from her Etsy Shop. Here’s a picture of the dress from the seller. You can request the dress to be made in a variety of fabrics and colors.

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