on February 9th, 2017 | Real Wedding Stories, Wedding News
It’s often been remarked that two things can be found anywhere on the planet: Coca Cola andChabad. And wherever there’s a Chabad house, there’s bound to be a Jewish wedding.
The latest such event occurred in Phnom Penh, the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia.
From Chabad.org:
As the sun set over Phnom Penh, locals, tourists and guests from all over the world gathered for the first Jewish wedding known to be celebrated in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
The bride, Shlomit (Irina), had met Rabbi Bentzion and Mashie Butman, co-directors of Chabad Jewish Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, several years ago and begun her journey to Torah observance.
The groom, Vadim Mitropolitansky, is an Israeli who now lives in Bangkok, Thailand. When the two decided to tie the knot, they chose to do so at the Chabad center in Phnom Penh.
The groom, Vadim Mitropolitansky, is an Israeli who now lives in Bangkok, Thailand. When the two decided to tie the knot, they chose to do so at the Chabad center in Phnom Penh.
The rooftop ceremony was followed by a festive dinner in the newly finished event hall on the Chabad center’s second floor.
Local Cambodians, friends, relatives and Chabad families from both countries swirled in dizzying circles, following the lively music supplied by the keyboardist who had flown in from Israel for the occasion.
“In times of joy, as well as sadness, community takes the place of family in this part of the world, where most Jews are here without family,” says Rabbi Butman.
Read more at Chabad.org
on August 22nd, 2016 | Real Wedding Stories

Real wedding gallery and words by: Misha Fine Art Wedding Photography
Galya and Steve: one may call them architects or bridge-builders. When you meet them, it’s such an inspiration to watch them connect people. Able to bridge crowds, seemingly from opposite spectrums of the world.. yet they do it with natural finesse.
Having met on SawYouAtSinai, Galya and Steve dated for a few months prior to getting married. But speaking with them, you’d think they’ve known each other for years. Steve, with his attentiveness to Galya’s every word. Galya, knowing exactly when and how to make Steve smile.
Consequently, the Venderbilt, overlooking the ocean and Verrazano bridge, was a perfect venue to host their first day as married couple. Stepping over into this new chapter of their life, Galya and Steve brought together people from various parts of their lives. From various walks of life. Various countries. As baalei teshuvah, this is a skill that not many are able to master, even with years of practice. Yet, on their wedding day, Galya and Steve beautifully united all of their worlds… inspiring all those present.
And there was nothing but joy.

on December 28th, 2015 | Real Wedding Stories
Video: CJ Studios
Venue: Congregation Keter Torah, Teaneck, NJ
Music: Eitan Katz
on December 21st, 2015 | Ideas and Inspirations, Real Wedding Stories
We’re glad to share with you a recent wedding from London via Blake Ezra Photography – London based photographers – whose black and white photos are simply breathtaking.

We enjoy providing some apt words to accompany our images when it comes to sharing the events we are privileged to photograph. However, in this instance it’s practically impossible to describe the feelings, the energy, and the immense spirit of this wedding in words. Indeed, we can only hope our images come close! Kinloss in north […]

Images from Anna and James
© Blake Ezra Photography 2015
See the rest of the beautiful gallery here: