Recommended Reading and Reading Recommended
As you are planning your Jewish wedding, endeavor to give yourself some time to read a book on or a guide to a Jewish wedding and a Jewish marriage. Reading will help you shape a clearer and more insightful perception of your wedding ceremony and the Jewish home that will be found by this ceremony . Here’s a list of books we like:
Setting the wedding date was a challenge all to itself, and now that the date is set all those things that have to be taken care of by this date are now taking form in your mind and possibly raising your heart rate. From this time until the wedding day you’ll probably have little time for reading. However, we would recommend that you endeavor to give yourself some time to read a book on or a guide to a Jewish wedding. These books will help you shape a clearer and more insightful idea of your Jewish wedding and your Jewish marriage. Here’s a list of books we like:
Made in Heaven – Rabbi Arieh Kaplan. Moznaim.
Although Rabbi Arieh Kaplan is well known for books that elucidate Judaic concepts to non-observant Jews, this particular book is sure to find an interest of all readers. The book explains all elements of the Jewish wedding in a clear language with footnotes that are rich with sources from all corners of Jewish literature.
$22 at Amazon: Made in Heaven: A Jewish Wedding Guide
Dear Kallah – Malka Kaganoff, Feldheim.
Advice for brides-to-be and newlyweds, culled from the teachings of our Sages, and Torah literature, as well as the author’s extensive experience as a Rebbetzin and teacher.
$5.98 at Amazon: Dear Kallah
Head to Heart – Gila Manolson, Targum Press.
All too often, we prepare more for a tough test than we do for our marriages. Here is an insightful, frank, and sensible manual that looks at dating, love, and marriage from the Torah perspective and comes up with some surprising, and important, conclusions.
Head to Heart
Reading for the Groom:
River, the Kettle, and the Bird – Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Feldheim.
Perceptive yet sympathetic, scholarly yet practical, profound yet human, these are some of the adjectives that describe this concise, warm and searching discussion of one of the eternal puzzles facing human beings: how to achieve Shalom Bayis, a serene, happy relationship between husband and wife. This is a guide not only for marriage but for joyous living in general.
River, the Kettle and the Bird: A Torah Guide to a Successful Marriage